Indigenous Relations

Our Commitment

We honour and recognize the wisdom of Elders who have stewarded these lands for generations, and we extend our respect to the global Indigenous communities both past and present.

In countries across the world, Indigenous communities are often at the forefront of mining impacts. At Okane, we are committed to working with Indigenous communities through meaningful collaboration throughout all stages of the mining lifecycle. We work closely with Indigenous communities to co-develop solutions and explore ways to integrate Traditional Knowledge into our closure plans and designs.
Okane’s approach to working with Indigenous communities involves:
  • Recognizing Traditional Knowledge holders as land rightsholders who have a connection to the land, water, and animals.
  • Listening more and talking less.
  • Being respectful of the differing communication approaches we may need to participate in to work effectively with Indigenous communities.
  • Being transparent about our process and intentions.
  • Ensuring we accommodate for meaningful and in-depth collaboration when developing project timelines and schedules.
  • Recognizing the information and stories shared with us hold value to those who share them.

We have adopted the learnings and strategies outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a framework for collaboration between the Okane team, our clients, and Indigenous rightsholders and communities.

As a leader in mine closure consulting, Okane is committed to achieving collective ownership of closure plans and returning land uses that can be celebrated by all. We are thankful for those who share knowledge and resources with us so that we can learn and build a better future together.

To learn more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Get in touch
Okane Consultants mine closure Okane-Indigenous-Relations
Okane Consultants mine closure Okane-Indigenous-Relations

Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB)

CCIB’s mission is to promote, strengthen, and enhance a prosperous Indigenous economy through the fostering of business relationships, opportunities, and awareness for all their members. Our Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) Committed participation indicates our commitment to continual improvement in Indigenous relations and intention to undergo external verification of our performance in the future.


Reconciliation Australia

Okane's Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, an independent non-profit organization leading for reconciliation in Australia. Reconciliation Australia promotes and facilitates reconciliation by building relationships, respect, and trust between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.