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TitleAuthorYearPresented AtLinkhf:doc_author
A Decade of AMD Treatment Initiatives for New Zealand Coal Mines, , , , 20179th Australian Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop, Burnie, Tasmania, November 19-23, 2017h-christensen j-pearce k-malloch p-weber w-olds
A framework for improving the ability to understand and predict the performance of heap leach piles, , 1999Copper 99 Conference, October 10-13, 1999, Phoenix, Arizona.m-okane m-d-haug s-l-barbour
A Practical Framework to Address Performance Monitoring Scaling Issues for Watershed Design to Support Oil Sands Reclamation Certification, 2017Tailings and Mine Waste '17, Banff, Canada, November 5-8, 2017.a-baisley m-okane
A risk-based approach using process flow diagrams for operational waste rock classification — case studies, , , , , 201611th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 17, 2016.e-sinclair j-pearce j-warner p-weber-2 s-pearce w-olds
Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Contaminant Load Prediction for Operational or Legacy Mines at Closure, , , 201611th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 17, 2016.j-pearce p-scott p-weber s-pearce
Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Potential of an Alluvial Gold Mine Operation, , 20172017 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, September 10-13, 2017.k-malloch p-weber w-olds
Acid mine drainage analysis for the Reddale Coal Mine, Reefton, New Zealand, , , 2016New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics v. 59, published online May 22, 2016j-pope m-pizey p-weber w-olds
Acid mine drainage investigations at the Reddale Coal Mine, Reefton, New Zealand, , , , , 20132013 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Nelson, New Zealand, August 25-28, 2013.d-g-thomas f-h-crombie j-pope m-pizey p-weber w-olds
Adding Value – Mine Closure as a Dynamic Process, , 2023World Mining Congress 2023l-bagnall m-clark m-okane
Advanced Customisable Leach Columns – A New Kinetic Testing Method to Simulate Site Specific Conditions, , 2015Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century 2015, Sydney, Australia, 27-28 July 2015 and AMR 2015 Australian Mine Rehabilitation Conference, Adelaide, Australia, August 20, 2015.j-pearce m-barteaux s-pearce
Advanced Customisible Leach Columns – A New Kinetic Testing Method to Predict AMD Risks by Simulating Site-specific Conditions, 2016International Mine Water Association (IMWA) 2016 Annual Conference, July 14, 2016, Leipzig, Germany.j-pearce s-pearce
Alberta oil sands cover system field trial – Development, construction, and results two years in, , 2015ICARD-IMWA 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage and International Mine Water Association Annual Conference, Santiago, Chile, April 22, 2015.d-christensen l-barber l-tallon
Alkalinity producing caps for minimisation of acid mine drainage generation in waste rock dumps, , 20132013 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Nelson, New Zealand, August 25-28, 2013.m-pizey p-weber w-olds
Alkalinity producing covers for minimisation of acid mine drainage generation in waste rock dumps, , 20148th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, South Australia, April 28 to May 2, 2014.m-pizey p-weber w-olds
An evaluation of parameter uncertainty in the calibration of a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) mode for a reclamation cover on LOS, , , 2014GeoOttawa 2017, Ottawa, Canada. October 1 – 4.l-barbour l-doucette m-huang s-alam
An Inverse Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Model to Estimate Vegetation and Hydraulic Properties of Materials From Field Measurements to Improve Performance Predictions and Confidence in Mine Reclamation2021TRCR 2021r-shurniak
Applying distributed temperature sensing to the heap leach industry, 2013Heap Leach Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia.l-tallon m-okane
Aqueous- and solid-phase molybdenum geochemistry of oil sands fluid petroleum coke deposits, Alberta, Canada, , 2019Chemosphere 217, 715-723. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.11.064.j-robertson j-a-nesbitt m-b-j-lindsay-2
Are You Doing All You Could Be to Optimise your Closure Alternatives?, , 20179th Australian Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop, Burnie, Tasmania, November 19-23, 2017a-baisley m-okane s-pearce
Are You Planning for Closure When Managing Your Waste As Well As You Think?, , 2016Planning for Closure 2016: First International Congress on Planning for Closure of Mining Operations, Santiago, Chile, November 20-22, 2016.a-baisley m-okane s-pearce
As Closure Approaches, Are You Preparing as Well as You Think You Are?, , 2017Tailings and Mine Waste '17, Banff, Canada, November 5-8, 2017 and Enviromine-Srmining 2017: 5th International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining and 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, November 8-10, 2017.a-baisley m-okane s-pearce
Assessing groundwater discharge to streams with distributed temperature sensing technology, , , , , 201438th Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, September 25, 2014, Prince George, BC.a-goodbrand j-szmigielski l-barbour l-tallon r-klein t-birkham
Assessment of concave and linear hillslopes for post-mining landscapes, , , , 2009Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, Skelleftea, Sweden, June 22-26, 2009.b b-ayres m-fawcett m-okane s-priyashantha
Behavior of Lysimeters Installed Within and Below a Compacted Clay Liner Underlain by Unsaturated Sand, , , 1999Proceedings of the 52nd Canadian Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, pp. 367-372b-e-bews f-s-barone j-m-a-costa s-l-barbour
Beyond the PAF Cell2014In Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (editors H Miller and L Preuss), Adelaide, South Australia, April 28 to May 2, 2014, pp.97-110.s-r-pearce
Building a better waste landform for managing reactive waste; A new level of geochemical waste assessment and construction, , , , , 2015ICARD-IMWA 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage and International Mine Water Association Annual Conference, Santiago, Chile, April 23, 2015.a-kemp b-dobchuk i-taylor p-scott p-weber s-pearce
Case study of Geita gold mine: An example of proactive AMD mitigation performance, , , , , 2015ICARD-IMWA 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage and International Mine Water Association Annual Conference, Santiago, Chile, April 22, 2015.b-dobchuk d-christensen m-yusuph p-scott p-weber t-taylor
Characterizing hydrogeological change from oil and gas development in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin – Extended Abstract, 2018The 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference/the 13th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference. Edmonton, Alberta. September 24-26.g-ferguson j-steeves
Choosing representative climate years for predicting long-term performance of mine waste cover systems, 20067th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), March 26-30, 2006.m-okane s-l-barbour
Clean Water by Design – The impact of landform design on long-term water stewardship, , , 2023Mine Closure 2023c-pretorius j-harrington m-clark m-okane
Climate Change and Mine Closure – A Practical Framework for Addressing Risk, , 2016International Mine Water Association (IMWA) 2016 Annual Conference, July 11-15, 2016, Leipzig, Germany.a-baisley m-okane s-pearce
Climate Change and Mine Closure Planning – Influences on Design and Performance of Common Closure Technologies, , 2015AMR 2015 Australian Mine Rehabilitation Conference, Adelaide, Australia, August 20, 2015.j-steeves m-okane p-garneau
Closure of legacy waste rock piles: Can we achieve passive treatment to manage residual seepage in the short term?, , , , , 2015Canadian Reclamation 15(2):34-37 and 10th International Conference on Mine Closure, June 1-3, 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.c-bradley d-mayich g-meiers j-shea m-okane p-weber
Closure planning and implementation at CVRD Inco’s Whistle Mine, Ontario, Canada, , , 2007Mine Closure 2007, Santiago, Chile, October 16-19, 2007.b-k-ayres l-lanteigne m-okane q-smith
Closure planning for a tailings storage facililty in Western Australia, , , 2012Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure, September 25-27, 2012, Brisbane, Australia.d-chapman d-swain k-bonstrom m-okane
Conclusions and ‘what next?’ for long-term cover system performance monitoring – a case study2018Life of Mine Conference, Brisbane, Australia (2018).r-barritt
Construction and instrumentation of waste rock test covers at Whistle Mine, Ontario, Canada, , , 2002Tailings and Mine Waste '02b-ayres d-christensen l-lanteigne m-okane
Controls and rates of acid production in commercial-scale sulphur blocks., , , 2010Journal of Environmental Quality, 39, 834-844. j-r-lawrence l-barbour m-j-hendry t-birkham
Coordination of arsenic and nickel to aluminum and magnesium phases in uranium mill raffinate precipitates., , , 2017Applied Geochemistry 81, 12-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.03.015. j-essilfie-dughan j-lin j-robertson m-j-hendry
Cover and final landform design for the B-zone waste rock pile at Rabbit Lake Mine, , , , 2005Fourth International Conference on Uranium Mining & Hydrogeology, Freiberg, Germany, September 11-16, 2005.b-ayres d-christensen l-adrian m-okane p-landine
Cover System Performance – Using Numerical Modelling to Optimise Monitoring Systems, , 201611th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 15, 2016.k-albano p-garneau w-moore
Cover System Performance in a Semi-Arid Climate on Horizontal and Sloped Waste Rock Surfaces, , , 2000Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Denver, Colorado, USA, May 21-24, 2000.a-weir d-porterfield l-watkins m-okane
Cover System Performance Monitoring for Tailings – Are We Doing It Correctly?, 2015Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century 2015, Sydney, Australia, 27-28 July 2015p-scott r-barritt
Cover System Trial at Ernest Henry Mine, Proof of Concept Across the Seasons, , , 2022ICARD 2022b-williams r-barritt r-shurniak s-mcveigh
Cover Systems for Mine Closure and Rehabilitation – Two Case Studies, 20121st International Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop in China, Beijing, China, December 2-4, 2012.j-song m-okane
Cover systems that utilise the moisture store-and-release concept – do they work & how can we improve their design & performance, 2012Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure, September 25-27, 2012, Brisbane, Australiab-ayres m-okane
De-coupling soil-atmosphere interaction and the phreatic surface within tailings storage facilities on reclamation performance., , , 2008Proceedings of First International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, December 7-10, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.b-dobchuk l-barbour m-okane r-shurniak
Demonstration of the Application of a Soil Moisture Monitoring System at the Mt. Leyshon Tailings Dam & Waste Rock Cover System, , , , 20036th International Conference for Acid Rock Drainage, Cairns, Qld., Australia, July 2003.b-williams c-white d-browne m-okane r-neivandt
Deposition thickness and evaporative drying for oil sands tailings in Northern Alberta, , , 2011Mine Closure 2011 Proceedings, Volume 1, pp. 373-382. A.B. Fourie, M. Tibbett and A. Beersing (eds.). Australian Certre for Geomechanics, Perth, Australia. Presented at the 6th International Mine Closure Conference, September 19-21, 2011, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.j-matthews m-okane n-dhadli q-song
Design and construction of the backfilled pit cover system at Whistle Mine, Canada: a case study, , 2005Securing the Future 2005, International Conference on Mining and the Environment, Skelleftea, Sweden, June 27-July 1, 2005.b-ayres l-lanteigne m-okane
Design of Field Test Plots for a Sloped Waste Rock Surface at Westmin Resources Ltd., Myra Falls Operations, , , , 199815th National Meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, St. Louis, Missouri, May 16-21, 1998.d-m-mchaina j-stoicescu m-okane m-d-haug s-januszewski
Design to closure – construction of detailed rehabilitation designed iron ore waste rock dumps based on upfront site-specific assessment., , 2017Iron Ore 2017 – Building Resilience Conference, 24-26 July, Perth, Australiai-taylor kemp s-c-lamoureux
Design, construction, and performance of closure cover systems for spent heap leach piles – A state-of-the-art review, 2013Heap Leach Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia.b-ayres m-okane
Designer Waste Landform Detailed Modelling and Design – Rum Jungle Mine, , , , , 201611th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 16, 2016.a-kemp i-taylor m-barteaux m-okane s-walker t-laurencont
Development of a Cover System Design for Potentially Acid-Forming Tailings at Peak Gold Mines, NSW, Australia, , , , 20036th International Conference for Acid Rock Drainage, Cairns, Qld., Australia, July 2003.b-ayres c-ellice c-silveira d-christensen m-okane
Development of a global cover system design technical guidance document, 2014British Columbia 38th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, September 24, 2014, Prince George, BC.a-baisley-2 m-okane
Development of a Technical Guidance Document for Cover System Design in Cold Regions, , 20129th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 20-26, 2012.b-ayres m-nahir m-okane
Distributed temperature observations reveal the scale of spatial variability in unsaturated soil covers, , , 2013Tailings & Mine Waste 2013 Conference, November 4, 2013, Banff, Albertab-c-si l-barbour l-tallon m-okane
Dry Cover Trials at Mt Whaleback – A Summary of Overburden Storage Area Cover System Performance, 20036th International Conference for Acid Rock Drainage, Cairns, Qld., Australia, July 2003.m-okane p-waters
Ecosystem reconstruction: A global assessment of methods for estimating soil water regimes for mine reclamation and closure, , , , , 2015Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mine Closure, June 1-3, 2015, Vancouver, Canada.j-straker l-barbour m-okane r-shurniak s-carey t-baker
Effect of soil cover system design on cover system performance and early tree establishment, , , , 201510th International Conference on Mine Closure, June 1-3, 2-015, Vancouver, Canada.d-christensen j-bockstette l-barber l-tallon s-m-landhausser
Effects of Mine Rock Stockpile Construction Methodology on Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage Treatment Costs, , 2022ICARD 2022c-hey k-malloch m-okane
Effects of Termites on Soil Cover System Performance, 2012Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, September 25-27, 2012.m-okane s-lamoureux
Embodying progressive reclamation beyond closure : challenging the concept of “end land use”, , , , 2023BC TRCR 2023a-baisley m-clark m-okane n-fisher n-morin
Enhancing the Understanding for the Influence of Vegetation on Cover System Performance in a Canadian Mining Context, , , 20129th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 20-26, 2012.j-straker l-barbour m-okane s-lamoureux
Evaluation of a single-layer desulphurized tailings cover, , , 2013Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50:777-792b-dobchuk c-nichol g-w-wilson m-aubertin
Evaluation of cover system field trials with compacted till layers for waste rock dumps at the Boliden Aitik copper mine, northern Sweden, , , 2015ICARD-IMWA 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage and International Mine Water Association Annual Conference, Santiago, Chile, April 24, 2015.d-christensen m-mckeown s-mueller t-taylor
Evaluation of cover systems utilizing geosynthetic layers constructed in a seasonally humid location for the closure of coal waste rock piles, , , 20148th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, South Australia, April 29, 2014d-mayich g-meiers m-barteaux m-okane
Evaluation of evaporation and under-drainage in dewatering oil sands tailings in Northern Alberta, 2013Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tailings & Mine Waste, G.W. Wilson, D.C. Sego, N.A. Beier (eds.). November 3-6, 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada.m-okane q-song
Evaluation of in Service Performance of Cover Systems that Utilize a Geosynthetic Layer, , , , 2014Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014, Vancouver, Canada, September 8-11, 2014.d-mayich g-meiers j-shea m-barteaux m-okane
Evaluation of the Function of the Dry Cover System at WRD5 at the Boliden AItik Copper Mine, Northern Sweden, , , 20129th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 20-26, 2012.a-sjoblom d-christensen s-mueller t-taylor
Evaluation of the Long-Term Performance of Dry Cover Systems2003Prepared for the International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP).okc-report-no-684-02
Evaluation of time stability indices for soil water storage upscaling., , 2012Journal of Hydrology. 475. 229-241.b-c-si-2 l-tallon w-hu
Evolution of cover system design and waste rock management at a mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, , , 2012Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure, September 25-27, 2012, Brisbane, Australia.d-christensen g-allen k-bonstrom m-okane
Evolution of the Hydraulic Conductivity of Reclamation Covers over Sodic/Saline Mining Overburden, , , 2011Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 137(10):968-976, 2011.b-dobchuk c-qualizza g-meiers l-barbour
Experimental Models of Metal Leaching for Scaling-Up to the Field, , , , , , 20179th Australian Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop, Burnie, Tasmania, November 19-23, 2017c-huang e-dy l-ma m-okane s-pearce z-s-liu z-xie
Faro Mine Landform, Cover and Revegetation Pilot – Yukon, , , , , , , 2023BC TRCR 2023b-weinrauch d-christensen e-larssen g-domitter j-markiewicz m-clark m-grohmann p-luedke
Field Performance Monitoring of a Cover System with Geosynthetic Layers, Case Study – Franklin Waste Rock Pile, Sydney NS, , 20129th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 20-26, 2012.d-mayich g-p-meiers m-okane
Field Performance Monitoring of the Kimberley Operations Siliceous Tailings Test Plots, , 1999Proceedings of the Tailings and Mine Waste Conference, Fort Collins, Coloradol-ryland m-okane r-t-gardiner
Financial risk associated with mine closure: International experience and case studies – Abstract2017Minex Central Asia 2017, the 8th Central Asian Mining and Exploration Forum, April 20, 2017, Astana, Kazakhstans-pearce
Findings and conclusions following ‘long-term’ monitoring – refinement of the conceptual design for tailings storage facility closure, 2016Life of Mine Conference, Brisbane, Australia (2016)p-scott r-barritt
Forecasting long term water quality after closure: Boliden Aitik Cu mine, Sweden, , , , , 201713th International Mine Water Association Conference, June 25-30, 2017, Laapeenranta, Finland; AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, September 10-13, 2017; and 9th Australian Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop, Burnie, Tasmania, November 19-23, 2017.b-bird-2 d-christensen m-mckeown m-okane p-weber s-mueller
Forecasting Long Term Water Quality at Closure for Current Mining Operations, , , 2015AusIMM (Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) New Zealand Branch 2015 Annual Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, September 1, 2015.b-bird j-pearce p-weber w-olds-2
From desktop to landscape: Experiences in scaling micro-scale numerical modelling predictions to landscape-scale performance, , , 2009Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, Skelleftea, Sweden, June 22-26, 2009.d-christensen l-tallon m-okane r-shurniak
From Pilot Cell Monitoring to Commercial Pouring, , 2015COSIA (Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance) Innovation Summit, Banff, Alberta, March 31 - April 2, 2015.j-song m-maclean m-okane
Gas Flux and the Linkage with Predicting AMD Loads in Waste Rock Dumps, and Designing Practical Engineering Solutions – Field Based Case Studies, , 20179th Australian Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop, Burnie, Tasmania, November 19-23, 2017j-pearce m-barteaux s-pearce
Gas Flux Rates and the Linkage with Predicting AMD Loads in Waste Rock Dumps, and Designing Practical Engineered Solutions – Field Based Case Studies in Three Distinct Climates, 201713th International Mine Water Association Conference, June 25-30, 2017, Laapeenranta, Finland.m-barteaux s-pearce
Geochemical and geotechnical investigations at the Reddale Coal Mine, Reefton, New Zealand, , 20148th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, South Australia, April 28 to May 2, 2014.m-pizey p-weber w-olds
Geochemical classification of waste rock using process flow diagrams, , , , , 2015AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, August 31, 2015, Dunedin, New Zealand.b-bird e-sinclair j-i-pearce m-orr p-a-weber w-e-olds
Geochemistry of uranium mill tailings in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada: A review, , , 2019Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49:14, 1237-1293, DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2019.1571352.j-robertson k-a-hughes m-j-hendry t-kotzer
Heterogeneity profiling: A technique to improve geochemical sampling and analysis for AMD assessments, , 2014In Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (editors H Miller and L Preuss), Adelaide, South Australia, April 28 to May 2, 2014, pp.295-312.r-naithani s-r-pearce v-aktas
How a risk based approach was used to advance reclamation at the Rainy River Gold Mine, Ontario, Canada, , , 2005BC TRCR 2020a-baisley g-cornell l-tallon s-st-jean
How Long is Long Enough? Robust Timeframes for Reclamation Monitoring, 2022BC TRCR 2022a-baisley l-tallon
Hydraulic placement of a dry cover system – Design & performance monitoring (Kennecott Ridgeway Mine tailings dam cover system), 20067th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, March 26-30, 2006.m-okane r-duckett
Hydrogeology of South Bison Hill, , 20067th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, March 26-30, 2006.d-chapman m-okane s-l-barbour
Implications of the iron(II/III)-arsenic ratio on the precipitation of iron-arsenic minerals from pH 2.5 to 10.5, , , , , 2018Applied Geochemistry 98, 367-376. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.10.012.d-halder j-essilfie-dughan j-lin j-robertson m-j-hendry s-das
Including Mine Rock Facility Design to Enhance Progressive Reclamation, , , 2018British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium g-meiers m-okane m-phillip t-birkham
Incorporation of natural slope features into the design of final landforms for waste rock stockpiles, , , , 20067th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), March 26-30, 2006.b-ayres b-dobchuk d-christensen m-fawcett m-okane
Infiltration Test Plot Study for Waste Rock at Questa Mine, New Mexico, , , 200118th Annual National Meeting, American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, June 3-7, 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.c-wels d-christensen m-okane s-fortin
Instrumentation in waste rock dumps: Going deeper, 2014In Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (editors H Miller and L Preuss), Adelaide, South Australia, April 28 to May 2, 2014, pp.371-386.m-barteaux s-r-pearce-2
Instrumentation of waste rock dumps as part of integrated closure monitoring and assessment, 2014Presented at the 9th International Conference on Mine Closure, 1-3 October 2014, Johannesburg, South Africam-barteaux s-pearce
Intensively monitoring cover system thermal properties with distributed temperature sensing, 2013British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, September 16-19, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia.l-tallon m-okane
Interpretation of column leach characteristics of Brunner Coal Measures for mine drainage management, 20132013 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Nelson, New Zealand, August 25-28, 2013.j-pope p-weber
Issues for consideration when designing a growth medium layer for a reactive mine waste cover system, , 200411th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vail, Colorado, October 10-13, 2004.b-k-ayres m-okane s-l-barbour
Lady Rosie Waste Rock Landform Design, , , 2022Mine Closure 2022i-taylor k-critchell p-wheeler s-hill
Linking Waste Rock Dump Construction and Design with Seepage Geochemistry: An Integrated Approach Using Quantitative Tools, , , , 2016International Mine Water Association (IMWA) 2016 Annual Conference, July 15, 2016, Leipzig, Germany.b-dobchuk d-christensen j-song r-shurniak s-pearce
LoA Optimisation2020AusIMM Social & Environment Society Webinar: Integrated Life of Asset Planning for Optimised Clsoure and Social Outcomesj-huelin
Long-term monitoring and modelling of a reclaimed watershed cover on oil sand tailings, , , , 2012International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, May 2012, p. 1-22.b-dobchuck l-barbour m-okane q-song r-shurniak
Low Permeability Barrier Layers and Cover System Performance: It’s More Than Just the Holes, , 201410th International Conference on Geosynthetics in Berlin, Germany, September 21-24, 2014.g-meiers l-tallon m-okane
Lysimeter field performance: Design and installation factors for representative cover systems evaluations, 2009SWANA’s WASTECON 2009 Conference, Long Beach, CA, September 22-24, 2009.m-okane m-a-phillip
Making the Conceptual Landform Design a Reality, 2015AMR 2015 Australian Mine Rehabilitation Conference, Adelaide, Australia, August 19, 2015.p-scott r-barritt
Management of Overburden Storage Areas at the Mt. Whaleback Mine – A Review of 12 Years of Cover System Performance Monitoring, , , , , 2010Fifth International Conference on Mine Closure, November 23-26, 2010, Viña del Mar, Chile.b-huys d-christensen g-meiers j-heyes k-sommerville m-okane
Managing for Closure at the Myra Falls Operation – Design of a Soil Cover System for Long Term Ecological & Physical Stability, , , , , 199721st Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, Cranbrook, B.C., September 22-25, 1997.b-e-bews d-m-mchaina j-stoicescu m-okane m-d-haug s-januszewski
Managing the waste rock storage design – can we build a waste rock dump that works?, , 201511th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 15, 2016.i-taylor p-scott r-barritt
Marra Mamba South Waste Rock Dump Cover System Field Trial Autopsy, Tom Price Mine, Western Australia, , , , 2022Mine Closure 2022b-a-johnson ej-forbes l-terrusi r-barritt s-lee
Measurement of moisture conditions for mine waste storage facilities using the Deep Diviner moisture probe, , , 20067th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), March 26-30, 2006.b-dobchuk j-dobchuk m-okane s-l-barbour
MEND 1.61.5c Cold Regions Cover System Design Technical Guidance Document2012Prepared on behalf of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and the Mine Environment Neutral Drainage program (MEND) and funded by AANDC.mend-report-1-61-5c
MEND 2.21.4 Design, Construction and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings Volume 1 – Summary2004Prepared for Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) and funded by MEND and Inco Ltd. Published by Natural Resources Canada and CANMETmend-2-21-4a
MEND 2.21.4 Design, Construction and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings Volume 5 – Case Studies2004Prepared for Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) and funded by MEND and Inco Ltd. Published by Natural Resources Canada and CANMETmend-2-21-4e
MEND 2.21.4 Design, Construction and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems Volume 2 – Theory and Background2004Prepared for Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) and funded by MEND and Inco Ltd. Published by Natural Resources Canada and CANMETmend-2-21-4b
MEND 2.21.4 Volume 3 – Site Characterization & Numerical Analyses of Cover Performance2004Prepared for Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) and funded by MEND and Inco Ltd. Published by Natural Resources Canada and CANMETmend-2-21-4c
MEND 2.21.4 Volume 4 – Field Performance Monitoring & Sustainable Performance of Cover Systems2004Prepared for Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) and funded by MEND and Inco Ltd. Published by Natural Resources Canada and CANMETmend-2-21-4d
MEND 2.21.5 Macro-Scale Cover Design and Performance Monitoring Manual2007Prepared on behalf of Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) and sponsored by the Mining Association of Canada and MEND.
Methods for simulating measured field responses for long-term performance of mine waste cover systems, 2009Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Mine Closure, September 9-11, 2009, Perth, Australia.m-okane r-shurniak
Mine drainage management – replicating dump physiogeochemical conditions in laboratory columns, , 2018New Zealand Annual AusIMM Conference, Tauranga, 17-18 September 2018.k-r-malloch p-petrov p-weber
Mine Planning with the End in Mind: Water Quality Management through Integrated Tailings and Mine Rock Storage, , , 20224th International Congress on Planning for Mine Closure 2022j-mitchell j-robertson m-okane t-birkham
Mine Waste Cover System Design – Linking Predicted Performance to Groundwater and Surface Water Impacts, 20036th International Conference for Acid Rock Drainage, Cairns, Qld., Australia, July 2003.c-wels m-okane
Mine waste cover systems: An international perspective and applications for mine closure in New Zealand, 20132013 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Nelson, New Zealand, August 25-28, 2013.b-ayres m-okane
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Near-surface water balances of waste rock dumps, , , , , , , 2014British Columbia 38th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, September 25, 2014, Prince George, BC.a-goodbrand j-straker l-barbour m-okane r-klein s-k-carey t-baker t-birkham
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Use of Analytical Estimates and Water Balance Components to Simulate Leakage Rates Through Cover Systems Utilizing a Geomembrane, , , , 2016Geo-Americas 2016 Pan-American Conference on Geosyntheticsc-bradley d-mayich g-meiers j-shea m-okane
Validating WRD Conceptual Models and Implications for Mine Closure in Semi-Arid Environments: A High Level Risk Assessment, 2016International Mine Water Association (IMWA) 2016 Annual Conference, July 11-15, 2016, Leipzig, Germany.j-pearce s-pearce
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Waste Landform Cover System and Geometrical Design, , , 2015The AusIMM Bulletin, December 2015a-kemp i-taylor m-okane p-scott
Waste Landform Cover System and Geometrical Design – Integration with Waste Placement and Landform Optimisation Approach, , 201611th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 15, 2016.a-kemp i-taylor m-okane
Waste material placement options during construction and closure risk reduction — quantifying the how, the why and the how much, , 201611th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth, Australia, March 17, 2016.j-pearce s-lehane s-pearce
Waste Mussel Shells to Treat Acid Mine Drainage: A New Zealand Initiative, , , , , , 2014Reclamation Matters, Fall 2014, p. 23-27.a-d-osullivan b-uster c-weisener d-trumm j-pope p-weber z-a-diloreto
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Whistle Mine Backfilled Pit Dry Cover Case Study – Performance Based on Six Years of Field Monitoring, , , 20129th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 20-26, 2012.b-ayres g-meiers l-lanteigne m-okane
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