Progressive Management of AMD Risk During Construction of an Integrated Waste Storage Landform Okane Consulting

Progressive Management of AMD Risk During Construction of an Integrated Waste Storage Landform

Progressive Management of AMD Risk During Construction of an Integrated Waste Storage Landform


A strategic risk management program for the construction of an integrated tailings storage facility (TSF) and mine rock stockpile (MRS) was implemented at a gold mine. The construction strategy employed a progressive approach, incorporating low-oxygen diffusion layers throughout construction to mitigate acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) risk. To assess the effectiveness of the management strategy, Okane developed design specifications and implemented an advanced field performance monitoring system.


Okane optimized the TSF and MRS landform designs by incorporating the inherent properties of pit-run material and local climate. These designs were directly linked to the mine sequence and schedule. A monitoring program was then established to develop multiple lines of evidence to demonstrate the performance of the integrated facility.

Client Benefit

Okane’s progressive approach to AMD management reduced closure risk by decreasing reliance on a closure cover system at the end of life of mine as well as mitigating operational AMD risk. Using performance monitoring to demonstrate the effectiveness of the AMD management strategy instilled confidence in the project’s success.
Progressive Management of AMD Risk During Construction of an Integrated Waste Storage Landform Okane Consulting

Acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) [Digital Image]. Okane Archives.

Progressive AMD management reducing AMD risk and reliance on closure cover systems.


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Progressive Management of AMD Risk During Construction of an Integrated Waste Storage Landform

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