Okane Consultants mine closure Year Landform Evolution

1000-Year Landform Evolution

1000-Year Landform Evolution


Okane conducted erosion and landform evolution modelling to aid in preparing an environmental impact statement for our client. Two modelling packages, the Water Erosion Prediction Program (WEPP) and SIBERIA, were employed to evaluate the erosion risks over timeframes of up to 1000 years for the northern overburden emplacement facility.


The initial objective was to assess potential material and slope geometry options to determine erosion rates and relative depths of incision for several preferred slope configurations.  Additionally, the study analyzed the long-term performance of the most promising profile and calculated the cover system thickness required to prevent exposure of underlying contaminated waste, all whilst using minimal volumes of clean non-acid-forming material.

Client Benefit

Subsequently, the initial erosion assessment work was refined by employing an erosion flume apparatus to generate laboratory-derived SIBERIA input parameters for five site-specific materials. The results of the modelling assessments informed the development of a proposed cover system for the northern overburden emplacement facility, which was integral in supporting the submission of the environmental impact statement.

Okane Consultants mine closure Year Landform Evolution

Erosion modelling [Digital Image]. Okane Archives.

Modelling to assess landform configuration erosion and stability risks over a 1000-year timeframe.


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1000-Year Landform Evolution

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